Spread the love,
Spread the love,
We are proudly partnered with the following Ministries to do what we do

Charles Walters Ministries
Charles and Regina have traveled throughout the United States and many foreign countries preaching Revivals, Camp meetings, and District Conferences for over 30 years. They come with a fresh prophetic word that is relevant for the Body of Christ today.

Joshua Cowan Ministries
Joshua Cowan is a certified minister through the Indiana District Assemblies of God. Joshua ministered in the Metro Atlanta area for twenty years. In 2017, Joshua was privileged to be a part of Ireland 4 Jesus. Joshua and his wife, Jane, felt called back to the Midwest to minister to the region. ave three children: Joshua Jr., Julianna & Jocelyn.

James & Peggy Cowan
J1:10 Ministries.com
James and Peggy Cowan are the founders of
Jeremiah 1:10 Ministries. In 2014, James and Peggy obeyed the direction of the Father and moved from Georgia to Indiana to pastor. It was through this obedience that the Lord was able to make divine connections and expand their ministry. Currently, they host crusades around the world to spread the fire of revival in these last days.

Light House Church
We are located in Parkland County, we are a community of believers who are passionate about seeking the presence of God and releasing His Kingdom everywhere we go.
People of all ages and backgrounds feel at home at Lighthouse Church. We seek to be a multi-cultural Church family, with the calling God has given us to impact our surrounding cities; Young and old.
Become a Partner
In Person
Light House Church
49 Boulder Blvd,Stony Plain
AB T7Z 1V6 ,C/O Kira Mulindwa
Over the Phone
It's easy to donate offline too.
Tel: 780 963 3110